St Patrick's Day Episode 2020 prt 3: Wyn and Jasoon Sound 7 Trumpets
With the part of our St Hasselhoff day, join our team as they have now tied up one of the locals in their quest for the Manataur. They find a bunch of mushrooms and do the smart thing of eating them. Like… it is not even a spoiler, you know what we do at this point. Wyn (Bill) looks at a flute that is possibly magical and talks to his sentient saxophone named Bill Clin-Ton (a past sentient weapon from the 2019 4th of July episode.) .Then there are puppies! No really, puppies! And Joe learns a lesson about eating random things.
- Sean the DM.
Thank you to Jesus Gonzalez and Jon Brown for their great work!
Main Theme "Dumb Idea No 1 -Generic Dance of the Vegan Ogres" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:
Credit Music: "Dumb Idea No 1_alternate reality take 2" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:
Thank you to for SFX used under Creative Commons 0 license unless otherwise listed. Please support the posters there as they are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.
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