The Unnamed Solder (Kumar) finally sold that whisky but meets someone that stands against everything his tribe believes in. Kumar also forgets that I told him this recording the goal is to introduce their level up features. Like really Kumar, we had that talk the day before recording! Sorry, DM anger seeping through… but it all works out in the end as The Unnamed Solder proves to be a good person and might make some progress with the Elf Priestess Si. Vulture Team (Kyle, Jon, and Tim) walk towards the city and finally gets there. Once in the city the encounter a old friend and quickly make new ones. Alli does some seal tricks in real life and Joe works on repenting with his god. I would love to say that he does it without any issues but there is a woman that is also praying next to him…. so…. you can imagine that it goes off the rails pretty quickly. Is this the start of the Eggzile’s love arc? Stay tuned!
Sean the DM.
Thank you to Jesus Gonzalez and Jon Brown for their great work!
Main Theme "Dumb Idea No 1 - No Glitter" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:
Credit Music: "Freaky Theme_longer" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:
"Angevin" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thank you to for SFX used under Creative Commons 0 license unless otherwise listed. Please support the posters there as they are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.
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