Based in Chicago, IL, the Windy City Dice Boyz are a group of mildly intoxicated individuals that have joined forces to make podcasts due to their shared nerd backgrounds and their love of booze.

Halloween 2020 Pt 4: This House Is Not Just a House, Its A Home

Halloween 2020 Pt 4: This House Is Not Just a House, Its A Home

It still the time of the year that gets spooky! (Would be better if this was on time, sorry. Real life sucks a lot!) We follow the Heroes of Pumpkin fest: Risssssssk Korth (Kumar) a lizardfolk that sees other races as meat, Obsidian Mudclot (Joe) a dwarf with a clockwork shotgun who’s volume is turned up to 12, Shoal Lusteen (Tim) a Human who claims to follow some god called Bainé, and special guest star Jesus Gonzalez who plays the Sorcerer Ayges a custom race called the Kupra Soldato (artificial race made by humans in the great human civil war) who is a necromancer and calls organics “Oxygen Breathers”.

The team while holding the miniature zombie “Aim for the bushes” it and escapes except for poor Obsidian who isnt so lucky. The battle decides which NPCs live and which die. Will all the heroes escape this to make it to the sequel? Will Joe use the B.F.B.G. again? Will our heroes piece together what is the deal with this house? And most importantly will they get a reward? All these questions will be answered this episode!

Dm’s note: Everything is linked, lets see what comes from these events….


Thank you to Jesus Gonzalez and Jon for their great work!

Intro "halloween special 2019 - DumbIdeaNo1" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:

Credit Music: "Freaky Theme_longer" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:

Thank you to for SFX used under Creative Commons 0 license unless otherwise listed. Please support the posters there as they are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.

And please visit us for updates and more at and look us up on facebook because we are lonely and need friends!




Ep 36: A Nearby Sidequest Part 2

Halloween 2020 Pt 3: There Is A Risk To Hit Joe Or Tim

Halloween 2020 Pt 3: There Is A Risk To Hit Joe Or Tim