Based in Chicago, IL, the Windy City Dice Boyz are a group of mildly intoxicated individuals that have joined forces to make podcasts due to their shared nerd backgrounds and their love of booze.

Ep 1: Three Men Walk Into a Bar


Thank you to Jesus Gonzalez and Jon who I still need to pay….

Main Theme "Dumb Idea No 1 - No Glitter" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:

Credit Music: "Freaky Theme_longer" Used with permission By Jesus Gonzalez Site:

Thank you to for SFX used under Creative Commons 0 license unless otherwise listed. Please support the posters there as they are doing this out of the kindness of thier hearts.

And please visit us for updates and more at

Ep 2: Roll For Flex

Shout outs!